Kim-Kay Randt has stepped up to the plate to take over the position of Area Coordinator for the Texas Chapter. She plans a luncheon meeting on a Saturday in mid-to-late June in the Galleria area of Houston. Date depends on members’ schedules and the featured speaker. The suggested subject will be “Travel tips to reach the most difficult location/country.” Interested speakers should contact her at 713-665-7499, or email her at She would like to hear from Texas members by the end of May. She is looking forward to meeting the Texas TCC members and receiving input regarding future meetings.
Kim-Kay is Director of Pricing, Global Marketing, for ConocoPhillips. She joined the company in 1987 and has held operational and corporate positions. Born in Oklahoma City, Kim-Kay earned a bachelor’s degree in international management from Oklahoma State University and an MBA from Rice University. She is active in education-related endeavors and maintainsan international travel schedule.