This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Photos From the June 2011 Southern California Luncheon
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New Germany Chapter Prepares for First Meeting in September
The first meeting of the newly formed Germany Chapter will be held Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011, at 9 a.m. at the Hotel Stern in Bonn. The organizing committee, Mr. Herbert Goebels, Mr. Rolf Hildebrand, Dr. Dieter Deppe and Santa Monica-based Klaus Billep, look forward to meeting all German members and their guests. Non-members are welcome…
Missouri Members Enjoy Presentations About Libya and West Africa
The next meeting of the Kansas City Chapter will be on September 30 at 11:30 at the Trezo Mare Restaurant, reports Area Coordinator Steven Fuller. The December 2 meeting will be at the same time and place. At the June 24 meeting, Charles Merkel, St. Louis, presented a program about his recent trip to West…
New York Member Doris Chernik Recounts African Adventures
Area Coordinator Lynn Simmons reports that 30 members attended the June 11 meeting at Les Enfants Terribles, where they enjoyed French/African cuisine. Doris Chernik gave a presentation on her trip to Tanzania and Rwanda. Her East Central African trip began with a group invitation to work at the Family Care Center for orphans in Tanzania.…
Robust and Jovial Meeting of Washington-Area TCC Members
Area Coordinator Jeff Houle reports that the group enjoyed a arobust and jovial meeting on May 23. There were many new faces and a lot of new energy in the group. Special kudos to member Walter Grimes for making a significant effort to join us, an effort that seemed to be years in the making. The…
Report From the May 2011 TCC Meeting in Philadelphia
The Philadelphia TCC Chapter was treated to a multi-course Schezuan banquet at its most recent meeting on Sunday, May 15, at Han Dynasty, one of the country’s top-rated Chinese restaurants. In attendance were TCC Board member Kevin Hughes, who was enjoying his first-ever visit to the chapter, and guest speaker Robert W. Frye, former director…
Spring Meeting of United Kingdom TCC Members Held in London
The TCC UK held its spring meeting at the RAC, Pall Mall, London on Sunday, 22nd May. In addition to our UK and Eire based members in attendance, Mr. Otto Ducek travelled from the Czech Republic. Our meeting recognised the outstanding achievements of Mr. John Barnett and Mr. Colin McCorquodale, both of whom have completed…
New TCC Germany Chapter Plans First Meeting in Bonn
The first official meeting of the new TCC Chapter in Germany will be held in Bonn over the weekend of September 23-26. Those attending the planning meeting in Dusseldorf, April 1 and 2, were long-time German members Dr. Dietrich Deppe, J. Herbert Goebels, Rolf Hildebrand, plus TCC Chairman Klaus Billep. Goebels agreed to be the Area Coordinator. There are 35 TCC members in…
Entering a Building is Not Equivalent to Entering a Country
A TCC member, while living in Rome, said he had visited the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) and wondered if that could count as a TCC country. It cannot − and the rationale goes back to the 70s when some U.S.TCC members were trying to get credit for having visited Albania at the time…
Program Announced for September International Meeting in Spain
The UK Chapter is hosting the international meeting in Granada, Spain, September 16-18. Area Coordinator Donna Marsh has already sent the invitation, with details on the program, hotels, excursion possibilities, etc., to the TCC UK and Ireland members. Other TCC members may contact her at for the details. But reservation requests should be sent to TCC Headquarters. The meeting will take…
Kim-Kay Randt Steps Up as New Texas Area Coordinator
Kim-Kay Randt has stepped up to the plate to take over the position of Area Coordinator for the Texas Chapter. She plans a luncheon meeting on a Saturday in mid-to-late June in the Galleria area of Houston. Date depends on members’ schedules and the featured speaker. The suggested subject will be “Travel tips to reach the most difficult location/country.” Interested speakers should contact her at 713-665-7499,…
Photos From the April 2011 Miami-Area Spring Social
Seventh Meeting of Arkansas TCC Members
For the seventh meeting of the Arkansas TCC Chapter on April 9, 2011, 13 members and guests met for lunch at Capers Restaurant in Little Rock, arranged by Judith and William Henderson-Cleland. Copies of the history of our Arkansas group, as presented in our last program, “All About Us,” were distributed. “Tell Us Why,” the…
Missouri Chapter Plans Presentation on Eastern Europe and the Baltics
The next meeting of the Kansas City Chapter will be Friday, June 24, at the Trezo Mare Restaurant, reports Steve Fuller, Area Coordinator. Charles Merkel, from St. Louis, will present a program on his recent travels to Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Future meetings are scheduled for September 23 and December 2. At the March…
Major Milestone for Past TCC Treasurer Bart M. Hackley, Jr.
At the March TCC luncheon in Irvine, California, TCC President Ron Endeman presented TCC Past Treasurer Bart M. Hackley, Jr., with the Special Award (a globe) for finalizing visits to all 320 the TCC countries. His last countries were Cabinda, Tristan de Cunha and St. Helena, where he ran a marathon.