Second Gathering of Eastern Canada Members a Huge Success

Toronto, June 2011
The June 2011 gathering of Eastern Canada TCC members in Toronto

Area Coordinator Rick Shaver reports that second ever Eastern Canada TCC meeting in June at The Jerusalem Restaurant was a huge success. The delicious buffet and Middle East restaurant ambiance was a perfect backdrop to featured speaker Sara Hradecky’s presentation on the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan. (Sara, a TCC member, flew in from Ottawa for the meeting.) Sara did a marvellous job providing us with a unique perspective on both countries. We had 28 folks attending, including many first-timers. John Deacon, a long-standing TCC member, traveled from Winnipeg to join us. He is recognized in the current Centurian newsletter for reaching 200 plus TCC countries.

The next meeting is scheduled for noon on Saturday Aug. 27, at 544 King Street West, with featured speaker Merrill Carmichael discussing Antarctica. This will be a catered Sushi lunch with a nominal donation to cover costs. Another meeting has been scheduled for noon on Saturday, Nov. 26, with the location and speaker to be determined.

—Rick Shaver, Area Coordinator

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