Report From the Sept. 2012 TCC International Meeting in Berlin

Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery.[portfolio_slideshow]Some 25 TCC members from Germany, France, Ireland, the Czech Republic, North Korea and the U.S. traveled to Berlin for the fourth TCC international meeting, Sept. 21-24. The elegant Regent Hotel in the Mitte District, with views of the Gendarmenmarkt Square, was the headquarters and where the meetings were held.

The all-day meeting on Saturday, Sept. 22, started off with opening remarks by TCC Chairman Klaus Billep. This was followed by a welcome address by TCC German Area Coordinator J. Herbert Goebels. There was a review of the TCC list of countries and territories.

Presentations were made by Goebels (Somalia), Armin Schreiner (the principality of Hutt River, the oldest micronation in Australia, which remains a self-proclaimed independent sovereign state since its foundation), Ron and Judy Endeman (Cuba), and Kevin Hughes (Libya). At the end of the day there was a question-and-answer period.

There was a full day of sightseeing in Berlin on Sunday, including a one-hour cruise and visits to several museums.

The business session was followed by dinner at an elegant restaurant reminiscent of 19th century Vienna – the Lutter & Wegner. On the first night, dinner was at the Meisterstueck Restaurant, a typical German restaurant with rustic atmosphere, known for its homemade sausages. The farewell dinner after the Sunday sightseeing was at Augustiner, a Bavarian-style restaurant.

The TCC Germany chapter was also the recipient of a formal welcome letter from Klaus Wowereit, the Governing Mayor of Berlin. Click here to read the full text of the letter (in German and in English).

As reflected in the photos above, a good and productive time was had by all!

Plans are to hold a meeting in 2013 in the Frankfurt or Munich area.

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