“Souvenirs From Our Travels” was the program chosen by Steven and Anna Clift , who hosted the Nov. 3 Arkansas Chapter luncheon-meeting. Their spaceous North Little Rock home provided the perfect setting with their beautifully displayed extensive collection of travel mementos.
Eleven members and four guests responded to the program, each presenting varied and interesting “souvenirs from our travels,” many including entertaining accounts of their acquisition. Shared were: a large and intricately painted wall hanging from Ethiopia, a dazzling geode from Argentina, and 12-inch grape-vine-handled corkscrews from France. A number of exquisite wood carvings included: a 12-inch penguin from Chile; a 32-inch shark, embedded with real shark’s teeth, from Phonpei (Federal States of Micronesia); an intricately detailed crowned head from Bali (signed by the carver); and an amusing trick snake box from Morocco. There were golf hats from: Ariki Kapa Kapa (the Rotarura Golf Club on New Zealand’s north Island); the Swazi Sun, Swaziland; Chubut, Argentina; and Pamplona, Spain.
The most unexpected (and authentic) items were: an eel trap from the Marshall Islands, and a five-foot Masai spear, obtained by barter, at a Masai village in Kenya. This was a very enjoyable and informative meeting. We plan to meet next in early May at Hot Springs Village.
—Walter and Dolena Kann, Area Coordinators