Photos From the December 2012 New York Lunch at El Quijote

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Central America, with a focus on Guatemala, was the theme of the Dec. 1 luncheon meeting in New York at the El Quijote Restaurant, reports Area Coordinator Lynn Simmons. The speaker was Lloyd Lapidow. In addition, the 45 TCC members present enjoyed an impromptu performance by a group of students, ages 14 to 18, from Puerto Rico, who were celebrating at the restaurant. The group, called Los Violenes de Marquito, played their violins during the lunch. They have performed at international events and before important dignitaries.

The next meeting will be on March 9, at the Arab restaurant, Barbes (click to view restaurant website). Dr. Inna Bakker will share a recent trip to Oman and the United Arab Emirates, focusing on Dubai.

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Travelers' Century Club