The Missouri TCC Chapter met Friday, June 28 at Trezo Mare Restaurant. Approximately 40 guests were in attendance. Three speakers shared photos of their recent trips. Steve Fuller talked on Rwanda, Ethiopia, Switzerland and discussed his tour of the Knights of Malta headquarters in Rome, near the Spanish Steps. Steve is proud to have finished his visitation of 22 Italian provinces and 26 cantons of Switzerland. Mike Wood shared picture slides of South Africa and Dubai. He had some interesting information about the battle against the murdering of horn-bearing animals for their tusks. Jennifer O’Connor, who had just returned from Italy within 48 hours of the meeting, shared her Lake Como pictures without George Clooney included in any of them.
The trivia question sought the relationship between the Grand Canyon and the Canary Islands in aviation history. The answer was that, the Grand Canyon was the sight of the first collision between two airplanes in 1956 with 128 fatalities and Tenerife, Canary Islands was the sight of the deadliest collision in aviation history with 583 fatalities in 1977.
Our next two meetings are scheduled for: Friday, Sept. 27 and Friday, Dec. 6, at Trezo Mare at 11:30a.m. No reservations necessary.