Dear TCC Members,
The TCC UK held its spring meeting at the home of Chris and Janice Kohut in London on Sunday, Sept. 22. Our group included UK-based members as well as Jiri and Irina Prasil, who traveled from Prague, and David Langan, who traveled over from Dublin. In addition, we were joined by members Mr. Michael Jackson and Ms. Lucy Cooper, who were in attendance for their first meeting.
The weather cooperated, with members enjoying the extended London Barbeque Summer. Our wonderful hosts ensured that selection of food, beer and wine represented the spirit of the TCC, representing cuisines, vineyards and tastes from around the world. A special thank you is extended to the Kohuts for their hospitality, creativity and generosity.
Our next meeting will be held in Spring 2013. A follow-up email will be sent out to all members and attendees soon with further details.
Best regards,
Donna Marsh
Area Coordinator, TCC UK