Report From the September Eastern Canada Meeting in Toronoto

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“Memories of an African overland adventure – when I was young & foolish” was the theme of Joseph Lee’s presentation at our Sept. 12 meeting, and it was magnificent!

The backdrop for Joseph’s 22-month journey included the vast geographies he encountered in Africa, beginning with the Sahara desert south of Tunis, the jungles of Uganda, sand dunes in Namibia, Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, the Zambezi River in the Congo, Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya and the wild coastlines in Mozambique –totaling 22 countries. Joseph also provided insightful narrative and stunning photos that also included the people of the continent he met along the way.

Also, Marni Bracht, who recently reach the TCC 150 country milestone, was congratulated and presented with her TCC pin. A great accomplishment. Also, the group welcomed new member Silvia Ernesaks to her first meeting.

The group also had a stimulating conversation regarding “interesting overnight venues/experiences” while traveling the world. A wide range of adventurous, sometimes scary and even funny “overnights” were exchanged.

Our next meeting is Saturday, Dec. 5, starting at noon at The Hive.

Jonathan van BilsenWe are fortunate to have renowned photojournalist Jonathan van Bilsen as our feature speaker. He has written nine books and numerous articles, and has photographed some of the most exotic locals on our planet. he currently writes monthly columns for two newspapers and a magazine, and his daily blog can be followed at

Jonathan has spent most of his adult life travelling, photographing and writing about wonderful locations around the world. Along the way, he has been recognized extensively for his professional and charitable work, including receiving the prestigious Patron of the Arts Award, “Best” Photography Studio in North Durham (10 years in a row), the Ontario Heritage award, was selected to the Mayor’s Honor Roll for 2015, and was recently honored by Canada’s Minister of Veterans Affairs.

Have a great fall season and happy travelling to all!

Warm Regards

Rick Shaver, Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator

Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

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Travelers' Century Club