New England TCC Chapter Hosts International Brunch in Boston

July 2016 New England gathering. Standing from left to right: New England Coordinator Dave Santulli, Ron Levin, Kate O'Hare, Anush Dawidjan, Noel Mann, Nyep (our guest speaker, former Cambodian Ambassador's wife, chef and resturanteur),  Daan Sandee, Mary Sweeney, Jerry Sweeney, Marjorie Ramsey and Deborah Janis. Kneeling from left to right: Dave Netzer, Troy Santulli (Dave’s son, age 15, close to full membership with 92 countries), Arvi Bahal, Harvey Wartosky and Tristan Santulli  (Dave’s son, age 13, close to full membership with 92 countries)
The July 2016 New England Chapter gathering. Standing from left to right: New England Coordinator Dave Santulli, Ron Levin, Kate O’Hare, Anush Dawidjan, Noel Mann, Nyep (our guest speaker), Daan Sandee, Mary Sweeney, Jerry Sweeney, Marjorie Ramsey and Deborah Janis. Kneeling from left to right: Dave Netzer, Troy Santulli (Dave’s son, age 15, close to full membership with 92 countries), Arvi Bahal, Harvey Wartosky and Tristan Santulli (Dave’s son, age 13, close to full membership with 92 countries).

The New England TCC Chapter hosted a scrumptious “International Brunch” at the Elephant Walk Cambodian Restaurant in the South End of Boston on Saturday, July 16. Members from around New England shared travel tales from far-flung destinations, including Fanning Island. Our guest speaker, Ms. Nyep, former Cambodian Ambassador’s wife, chef, and restaurateur, shared about Cambodian culture, cuisine, and life in Cambodia both before and after the war. It was a tantalizing time with fellow travelers. We look forward to our next gathering (TBA) and wish everyone safe and memorable adventures until we meet again.

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