One of the advantages of TCC membership is the opportunity to attend chapter meetings throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany and share stories with like-minded fellow travelers. You can expect a warm welcome at any of our meetings. If traveling, be sure to check out chapter dates on our website. Every newsletter we’ll focus on one of our wonderful chapters.

In 1989, Bonnie O’Leary thought it would be a good idea to start a chapter in Colorado, so she looked through the TCC roster and sent penny postcards to everyone with a Colorado address. She sent out 24 postcards and received replies from about half of the folks. Some were traveling and sent regrets; eight people attended the first Colorado meeting on July 29, 1989, at the Parkside Restaurant in Denver.
Since that initial meeting, perhaps close to 100 well-traveled people have attended, including Robert and Dorothy Pine, who were the first couple to reach all the TCC destinations (315 at that time).
The Colorado Chapter meets every other month, in January, March, May, July, September, and November, on the third Thursday of the month at a local restaurant. We usually have 15-25 in attendance. TCC members, provisional members, and anyone interested in travel are encouraged to attend.
At many of our meetings one of our group talks about a recent trip and shows photos. We have outside speakers as well. Last year we heard about the Denver Sister Cities program, and this September we will hear from a lady who will speak on “Meet the Middle East.” Sometimes we just get together and talk about travel.
Historically the July meeting each year celebrates the chapter’s “birthday” with cake. In the past, members have been asked to wear a hat from a favorite country, to bring an old passport and tell about a visa or stamp that was meaningful to them, to identify places from photos or to answer quiz questions about geography, countries, or World Heritage Sites.
Bonnie O’Leary was the chapter coordinator for almost 25 years, and she was honored at the March 2014 meeting. The TCC officers and Board of Directors sent a beautiful crystal pillar to recognize her leadership and to express sincere appreciation for her contribution to the success of the Colorado Chapter.
At that time, Phyllis McGuire and David Van Treuren became co-coordinators.
We have welcomed several new members in the past couple of years, often by word of mouth from current attendees.