Northern California TCC Chapter to Meet June 2 in Berkeley

WHEN: Saturday, June 2, 2018
11 a.m. – Social Hour – use door to the right if main door locked
12 noon – Lunch

WHERE: Spenger’s Fresh Fish Grotto
1919 4th Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Street parking or validated parking for 90 minutes

SPEAKERS: Nick Bowles and Mike Bowles – The Northwest Passage

Nick, a retired certified public accountant and his cousin, Mike, a retired attorney from San Antonio, Texas and member of the Texas-Oklahoma TCC Chapter, recently spent nearly a month cruising the far north of Canada and parts of Greenland. Warming weather and thawing ice permitted their expedition to traverse the Northwest Passage where few travelers have been able to venture.

In photos and personal accounts they will introduce us to the amazing waterways of the Passage and the people, flora and fauna they support. The area of the Passage is littered with thousands of years of native history and the ghosts of explorers who since the early 1800’s have sought the arctic grail, a northern route from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Although a trip through the Northwest Passage covers only two TCC countries, it is an ever changing adventure of weather, water, mountains and ice. The Inuit territories of Nunavut and Nunatsiavut are some-what like being in a different country.

Their visits to several Inuit communities found education, business, culture, art, and almost all aspects of life unique to the north and similar to that of northern peoples in Europe, Asia and Alaska.

RSVP: Mail a check for $47 payable to Tim Carlson (contact him for the address). The check should arrive by May 25. Indicate your choice of salmon, medallions of beef, or vegetarian pasta.

Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

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Travelers' Century Club