Hello World Travelers,
I look forward to seeing everyone at our second 2018 meeting on Saturday, Sept. 8, 12 noon at The Hive office in Toronto (544 King St. West).
As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in the immediate future with an email reply so we can plan refreshments accordingly.
We are very fortunate to have Mike and Donna Hill joining us as featured speakers to chronicle their sailing voyages, adventures and destinations during a five-year circumnavigation of the globe.
After years of sailing the Great Lakes, Donna and Mike set off from England in a new boat to explore the Mediterranean
and then cross the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean. This lead to a five-year circumnavigation.
“They visited 36 countries and some of the world’s most remote islands; the Marquesas were mystical, the Cocos Keeling Islands serene, St. Helena, a step back in time. They hiked volcanoes, explored history, and dove some of the world’s greatest dive sites. Crossing five oceans and rounding the Cape of Good Hope was part of the adventure. Donna has captured their adventures in her book, Yes, The World is Round.”
Yes, The World is Round
A Travelogue Sailing Around the World
Also, for our legendary ‘interactive session’ please come prepared to share with the group: “What was your 100th TCC country or territory & how did you celebrate?”
Looking forward to seeing you all on Sept. 8!
Warm regards,
—Rick Shaver, Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator