Hello World Travelers,
I look forward to seeing everyone at our final 2018 meeting on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 12 noon at The Hive office (544 King St. West). As usual, we will arrange for a light lunch with a nominal charge. Please be kind enough to RSVP your attendance to me in the immediate future with an email reply so we can plan refreshments accordingly.
We are very fortunate to have our own Alan and Anne Shaver as featured speakers. The theme of their talk is:
“Following the Silk Route Through Central Asia”
Kazakhstan… Kyrgyzstan… Tajikistan… Uzbekistan
In Alan and Anne’s words:
Why go to “the Stans”? Central Asia is increasing in popularity amongst travelers who want to experience one of the world’s last great frontier lands. For us, the timing was right. The appeal to explore a region steeped in history, geographically diverse and until recently, difficult to access, was hard to resist.
Also, for our TCC Eastern Canada “interactive session” please come prepared to share with the group: “What is the most interesting and or unusual item of food or meal you have tasted on your travels?” Feel free to bring a picture or an actual food item to show share with the group.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Dec. 8!
—Rick Shaver, Eastern Canada Chapter Coordinator