Eighteen members and guests of the Colorado TCC Chapter met for the last time in 2019 on Oct. 17. Co-Coordinator David Van Treuren presented Co-Coordinator Phyllis McGuire with a silver certificate for reaching 150 countries, and Phyllis showed photos and talked about her November 2018 tour of cities and historical ruins in Lebanon.
Our first meeting of 2020 was again at the Imperial Chinese Restaurant. Many of our members were traveling, so the group was small but enthusiastic. We were pleased to welcome a new member and a provisional member. We remarked on the report of the six young men who rowed across the Drake Passage in December.
Evan Genard showed videos and told tales of his adventure last year in Mauritania, land of heat, dust and sand. His adventure included a short ride on the famous Iron Ore Train and a visit to Ben Amera, Africa’s largest monolith at 2027 feet, second in the world only to Uluru. He also spoke briefly of relief work in the Bahamas Abacos Islands after Hurricane Dorian last year. His videos of the destruction were sobering.
We provided information on the chance to socialize with TCC members from other chapters in Washington DC, March 6-8, 2020, in connection with the Travel and Adventure Show.
— Phyllis McGuire, Colorado Chapter Co-Coordinator