Future TCC Chapters?

WeChat anyone? This group of formidable travelers talks to each other every day. They hope to be recognized as the first Chinese speaking chapter.

Vive la France! Vice President Steve Fuller is excited about the enthusiasm coming out of France. Area members are hoping to build the club’s first dedicated French-speaking meetup.

This group is on fire! Member Robyn Antill says the group has met every month online in Zoom and Skype forums the past six months. Consisting of members from Australia, New Zealand and countries dotting the South Pacific, Robyn aims to form the club’s first chapter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Southeast Asia
Member Mar Pages is building interest from her base in Singapore with local members meeting in person (up to five can safely meet) and those from Hong Kong and Taiwan joining her on a Google Meeting in June.

Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228
Email: info@travelerscenturyclub.org

TCC Forum is a private social networking site for members only. Registration is required. More info here »

Travelers' Century Club