Report From the March 2024 Kansas City Chapter Meeting

Some of the March 2024 Kansas City Chapter attendees at Trezo Mare restaurant.

The Kansas City TCC Chapter met at Trezo Mare restaurant on March 9. An excellent program was given by guest Carla Mansheim on a “then and now” trip to Australia and New Zealand. Carla and her husband took a six-week trip down under in the 1970s and recently visited the same places 50 years later. Two trivia questions:

  1. In 1519, when Magellan circumnavigated the globe, four of the six most populated cities in Europe were in which country? The answer is Italy (Venice, Genoa, Naples and Milano; Paris and Sevilla were the others).
  2. Which two countries have an outline of their country’s borders on their flag? They are Cypress and Kosovo.

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