Central Europe Chapter Gathering at the Speyside Whisky Festival in Scotland

A strong showing of members attended the weekend-long Speyside Whisky Festival in Scotland
Iain Grist poses in front of the Glen Moray grist bin.

Members from six countries congregated in Scotland for a masterfully organized weekend around the Speyside Whisky Festival. Iain Grist, a former whisky salesman and coordinator Armin Schreiner, who used to arrange professional whisky tastings, co-hosted the weekend events.

The Rothes Golf Club was the base for various spirit tastings and unusual distillery tours. One highlight was the visit to Speyburn Distillery, where the group was exclusively allowed to taste some 46-year-old product right from the Sherry-finish cask.

Dirk Hannemann, Sabine Engelhardt, Joerg Werda, Steve and Di Owad-Jones and Armin made presentations. Still, the meeting was truly dedicated to the “water of life” (“uisge beatha” = “whisky”) except for Joerg’s comprehensive overview of Latin American spirits.

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