TCC Luncheon in Sacramento on Saturday, Feb. 8

Sacramento residents Elfrena and Bruce Hester invite you to their home on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 11:30. We’ll have an opportunity to connect with TCC members in the area while enjoying a light lunch.

As there are a growing number of members in the Sacramento area, we are exploring the level of interest to have occasional informal social events in Sacramento as a convenient alternative to attending lunches in the Bay Area.

If interested or have questions, email us at

Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

TCC Forum is a private social networking site for members only. Registration is required. More info here »

Travelers' Century Club