Photo From the Southeast Florida Chapter’s Spring 2016 Event

The spring 2016 meeting of the Southeast Florida TCC Chapter. From left to right: Jan Novar (Cbapter Coordinator), Barbara Spanakos, Bev Trav, Marlene Soloman (hostess), Cecelia Rokushek, Kitt and Al Schneider, Bob Petrik,Nancy Flinn, Ned, Nikolai Spanakos, Anush Dawidgian. Leonardo Hochman gave video presentation of his travels.
The spring 2016 meeting of the Southeast Florida TCC Chapter. From left to right: Jan Novar (Cbapter Coordinator), Barbara Spanakos, Bev Trav, Marlene Soloman (hostess), Cecelia Rokushek, Kitt and Al Schneider, Bob Petrik,Nancy Flinn, Ned, Nikolai Spanakos, Anush Dawidgian.

Marlene Soloman hosted the April 10 meeting at her home in Boynton Beach, reports Southeast Florida Coordinator Jan Novar. Leon Hochman presented a “visual documentary” — called ”From Here, There, to Anywhere” — on how he has traveled the world. Jan says it can be seen on YouTube. Members brought “finger food” and drinks. See the web for information about the next Miami-area meeting.

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Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
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Tel: (888) 822-0228

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Travelers' Century Club