Northern California Chapter Learns About ‘Unusual Destinations’

TCC Board Member and Area Coordinator Tim Carlson reports that Lillie Echevarria will give a presentation on Africa at the March 3 luncheon meeting at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco. At the December meeting, Cal Schrotenboer talked about “Unusual Destinations” which included Osama bin Laden’s home in Khartoum, Sudan, and Lockerbie, Scotland.

Pictured at the NorCal December meeting are Wendy Arbeit, Carolyn Broadwell, Wanda Ross, Karen Grunert and Lillie Echevarria, who will be the March speaker.
Enjoying the TCC lunch in Berkeley are Carolyn Broadwell, Sam Wilson, JoAnn Schwartz and TCC Secretary Sanford Smith.

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Travelers' Century Club