Introducing Cindy Shurtleff, Our New Pacific Northwest Chapter Coordinator

This is Cindy Shurtleff, our new Chapter Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) TCC Chapter. Her home base is Seattle and Lake Wenatchee (WA), but she’s never home for long. Cindy is an active hiker, skier, cyclist, tennis and squash player. She says she is terrible at second languages, but good with a smile and a hug. Longtime married to Rob, a reluctant but good-natured travel partner. Traveled extensively with our two kids, only infected one with the travel bug.

Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

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Travelers' Century Club