Congratulations Dorothy! You’ve won a year of free dues! The theme for March was anything “Food.” Thanks to everybody who sent in their wonderful photos. The theme for our June 2021 contest is “Japan.” Click for contest details »

On the waters of the Harbaria River in Bangladesh’s Sundarbans, a boy sells food to folks along the river. The Sundarbans are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It all happens on or near the water because water is everywhere in the world’s largest delta and mangrove forests. Our surroundings and ways of doing things may differ, but we all shop and cook. We all live family lives, and get from here to there, in ways that work for where we are.
Steven Owad-Jones, Calgary, Canada

Nature’s bounty in all its glory displayed at Yerevan Dried Fruit Market. If it could
be dried or dipped, threaded or plated, it was here somewhere; displays evoking decorative
medieval shields through to Thai love beads … this place was an assault on all the senses!
Julie Bartlett, Louisville, Kentucky

While visiting a “farm” in Cambodia, we watched a family make rice noodles. They pounded the rice with this big arm. Meanwhile, the lady’s son helped by being the counterweight on the back of the lever.