Category: Message From the Chairman

  • A Message From the Chairman

    My first newsletter was an announcement on April, 1986, when only one TCC office existed, but no chapters. Today, some 30 years later, we have 20 chapters — all of whom have contributed to our organization’s success. I have decided to retire. I am proud of my long-time service as your Chairman and know that…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    I hope that all of you enjoyed a happy holiday season and are making plans for your 2016 travel. We welcomed our new Officers for 2016-2017 —President Gloria McCoy from La Jolla, Vice President JoAnn Schwartz and Secretary Sanford Smith from Northern California, and Treasurer Timothy Skeet from Calgary. Congratulations to all our new Officers.…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    Special thanks to our Area Coordinators for a successful 2015 season. It hardly seems like another travel year is closing, but it is time again for us to wish a Happy Holiday season to TCC members. Bob Ihsen gave an excellent presentation and slide show on unusual islands of the South Pacific at our September…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    Congratulations to our Colorado chapter as it celebrates its 26th anniversary. It was the second TCC chapter (New York was the first), established in 1989. Congratulations also, to Jeff Ward, our San Diego Coordinator, for a very successful July 11 meeting with 40 members and guests. Reminder — the German chapter will hold its annual event…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    At the March meeting, the TCC Board of Directors voted to add Tim Skeet of Calgary, Canada, to the board. Tim is the first International board member. By the way, all of the Area Coordinators are encouraged to attend our board meetings when they are in Southern California. Any member in good standing may also…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    Special thanks to our Area Coordinators for a successful 2014 season! Renewal invoices were mailed in December. All members, including life members, please return the invoice with any corrections for our 2015 Roster of Members. Make sure your status is correct (Silver, Gold, etc.). If it isn’t correct, send us a copy of the Approved…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    It hardly seems as if another travel year is closing, but it’s time again for us to wish a Happy Holiday Season to all TCC Members. Special thanks to all our Coordinators, for their hard work and for the many meetings. We returned from a very successful 60th Anniversary cruise onboard the Golden Princess, as…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    Occasionally, members ask if they can attend the TCC Board meetings which are held prior to the luncheons in Los Angeles and Orange County. Yes, you may attend as an observer, with prior notification. Special thanks to Pierre Odier for his excellent presentation on Gabon at the June lunch. Congratulations to our TCC members in…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    As 2014 continues with lively travel activities on the part of club members, so does the interest in TCC meeting programs. Our March luncheon at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club was an outstanding event and featured an excellent presentation on Russia by long-time Northern California member Frank Rainer. Special thanks to Yacht Club member Bill…

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  • A Message From the Chairman

    I hope all of you enjoyed a happy holiday season and will be making plans to join your Board of Directors and Coordinators for a weekend cruise to Mexico in October 2014, to celebrate our 60th Anniversary (click here for details). We welcome our new Area Coordinators — Phyllis McGuire and David Van Treuren of…

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Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

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Travelers' Century Club