Lynn Simmons reports that the New York TCC Chapter met on Oct. 21 at the Dafni Greek Taverna in Manhattan with 41 attending. Lloyd Lapidow spoke on Albania. In attendance were two guests from Albania: Katie and Vahide Hysengegasi, and a new member from India: A.S.R. Murthy. The next meeting will be held on Dec.…
Longtime New York Chapter Coordinator Lynn Simmons has announced that she is actively looking for someone to take her place. If any members in the New York area are interested, please contact Lynn or the TCC.
Coordinator Lynn Simmons reports that 33 people turned out for the April 15 New York Chapter luncheon. Paul Couniotakis spoke about seldom visited areas of China and North Korea. Also in attendance were two Chinese graduate students from SUNY Stony Brook, Qian Ye and Jing Xu.
With 28 members in attendance, Kouzan Japanese Restaurant made a fitting backdrop in December for Thomas Anderson to share an account of his recent trip to Japan, where he visited several temple pilgrimage sites, attended a sumo wrestling match, and studied the somber past of Hiroshima. New York TCC members also gathered at Hurley’s Saloon…
Members in New York will be having a TCC meet-up on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at Hurley’s Saloon in Times Square from 6 p.m.
The New York TCC chapter had a well-attended meeting on Oct. 8 at the Utsav Indian Restaurant in midtown Manhattan. Moderated by chapter coordinator Lynn Simmons, members shared lively stories about their most unusual or serendipitous travel experiences, with an especially effective impromptu vignette presented by Laurie Campbell that alluded to her recent Rajasthan adventures.…
The next meeting date for the New York TCC chapter is Oct 8, 2016. The scheduled speaker will be Laurie Campbell, who will speak on Rajasthan.
Elzbieta Schrader talked about the animals of Africa at the New York meeting at Pointy Bistro on April 30, reports Coordinator Lynn Simmons. Future programs and locations will be on the TCC website. See photos from the April gathering below.
Chapter Coordinator Lynn Simmons reports that 35 were in attendance at the December 2015 New York TCC gathering at Persian Grill Ravagh in Manhattan. Beth Belkonen gave a presentation about Iran. See photos below: [gss ids=”2495,2494,2493,2492,2491,2490,2489,2488,2487,2486,2485,2484″]
Use the “Prev” and “Next” links to click forward or backward through the images in this gallery. All photos by Noel Schwab. [portfolio_slideshow]The guest speaker at the Oct. 24 meeting in New York was Albert Podell, according to Chapter Coordinator Lynn Simmons. She explains, “In 1965 he set a record for the longest automobile expedition…
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