A total of 21 attendees representing eight nationalities gathered in Bari, Italy, for the November 2019 TCC International Meeting organized by the Mediterranean Chapter. Below is a summary of the event with photographs. A higher-resolution PDF version of this report is available here.
El Forn del Senyor, TCC Mediterranean headquarters in Altafulla, welcomed travelers from across Spain. Presentations included discussions by: Óscar Cadiach on the Silk Road of Pakistan and China; a trip across the Pacific by Juan de Almería; Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia by Pamela Barrus; and Russia from south to north by Jorge Sánchez. The…
The March 2019 TCC meeting in Altafulla, Spain, included multiple presentations on a wide range of destinations, along with a multicultural menu featuring dishes from Mexico, the Middle East, Thailand, Morocco, Peru, the Caribbean and Cabinda in West Africa. Click this link to view the beautiful illustrated program produced for the event, available here for…
TCC members and other travelers met at the Mediterranean chapter headqua ters in Altafulla, Spain, for a discussion of Jorge Sanchez’s trip along the Yenisey River and its Arctic villages in Russia. Oscar Cadiach spoke of his adventure to South America’s Aconcagua. We are proud to announce that several people have expressed interest in joining…
On March 3 a TCC meeting and dinner was organized in the TCC Mediterranean Chapter’s clubhouse (a beautiful private book museum and medieval bread oven) in Altafulla, near Barcelona. The purpose was to listen to and get to know the five Spanish travelers who have visited the 193 UN states (The Big Five). Unfortunately, one…
The Mediterranean TCC Chapter will have a dinner/meeting on March 3 to honor the people in Spain and Portugal that have visited all 193 U.N. countries. We also hope to attract some from Belgium and Sweden. TCC members from other chapters are welcome! Just contact our Coordinator General Martin Garrido (martingarrido@rambla88.com). If you have been…
The Mediterranean TCC Chapter organized a two-day meeting for its present members and potential new ones on Nov. 25-26. The first day’s program took place at the Chapter headquarters, a medieval building in Altafulla with an ancient communal bread oven and a private museum of illustrated medieval books. Owner and host: Martin Garrido, the Chapter…
Members from the Barcelona area met at the medieval “El Forn del Senyor” in Altafulla to enjoy wine and food prepared by Chef Javier and to discuss their latest travels.
At the first official meeting of the Mediterranean Spain chapter, members presented ideas on new projects, such as reaching out to the other European chapters and planning future meetings, while enjoying Spanish wine and cuisine prepared by Chef Javier.
Some of the most enthusiastic members of the TCC reside in Barcelona, and they came together last September in the resort town of Altafulla to talk travel dreams past and future, while dining on Mediterranean seafood and imbibing the superb wine of the Catalan region. Member Martin Garrido often hosts tertulias at his medieval “El…
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