We had a “packed house” at the last meeting of the Greater Washington, DC Chapter of the TCC, which took place on October 16, 2011 at the Daily Grill restaurant in Tysons Corner, Virginia. There were many new faces. A special salute to Barbara and Peter Wood for making the six-hour trek from North Carolina, well their spirit when being captured by a camera (see photo above). First-time attendee Neal Pollock shared his experience flying “top gun” in a fighter jet over Tanzania, as well cradling a koala bear, though not at the same time. And Lew Toulmin shared his recent work experience in strife-torn Malawi.
Our next meeting will be at 1130 a.m. on Saturday, December 17, 2011. TCC member Kertin Schweizer will open her home to members for a special holiday celebration. Details to follow.
—Jeffrey Houle, Area Coordinator