The Washington TCC chapter joined the Circumnavigators Club of Washington, D.C. on April 14 to mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The joint luncheon was at the Pier 7 Restaurant in the Channel Inn Hotel on the D.C. waterfront.
Area Coordinator Jeff Houle reported that over 40 members and guests attended, about half from each club. The event was organized by Bill Ashley, who is a member of both clubs, as were several others. Houle says many members were interested in joining each other’s club. The Circumnavigators Club “is the only organization devoted to bringing together those men and women who have circumnavigated the globe.”
“After a good discussion meeting, and enjoying the views (docked yachts, Flying Scot sailboat classes in the channel, the Air Force Memorial across the Potomac River), we lunched and then walked to the RMS Titanic memorial where we laid a wreath in memory of those who died,” Houle adds.