Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled.
Platinum Members (250 or more countries)
Ms. Edna Erspamer
Santa Monica, CA
Mr. Harold D. Griffith
Mrs. Beverly A.Griffith
Glendora, CA
Mr. Peter Grip
Stockholm, Sweden
Mr. Paul Hurwood
Hereford, England
Ms. Jacqueline L. Jerry
Loudonville, NY
Gold Members (200 or more countries)
Mrs. Barbara Champion
Mr. P. Kay Champion
Houston, TX
Silver Members (150 or more countries)
Mr. Leo (Lion) Curran
Mrs. Donna Curran
Newton, PA
Mr. Daniel Fougou
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Ms. Sara Hradecky
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ms. Louise Leestma
Chicago, IL
Themis Stoumbelis
Peabody, MA
Ms. Christine Wells
Falls Church, VA