Football is back and I hope your favorite teams are off to a great start. It was nice to see my OSU Cowboys play in Houston this past weekend, especially after they put in a good quarterback!
As a reminder, our fourth and final meeting of 2013 will be held in Dallas on Oct. 5, and we are thrilled that TCC Chairman Klaus Billep will be our featured speaker. Lyda Hill has also graciously managed to secure a room for the meeting at the new Perot Museum. Details on the logistics and RSVP request are below.
Next Member Meeting: Saturday, Oct. 5
- Featured Speaker and Topic: TCC Chairman Klaus Billep will share his insights on the TCC.
- Location: We will be holding our meeting in the small downstairs auditorium of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science near downtown Dallas. This new Museum just opened its doors to the public on Dec. 1, 2012.
- Address: 2201 N. Field Street, Dallas, TX 75201-1704
- Web site:
- You will need to check in upon arrival to get directed to the room, but you will be free to view the museum at the conclusion of our meeting.
- Time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Agenda: Member introductions, chapter update, featured speaker, 2013/2014 meeting schedule reminder, group photo, networking.
- Lunch: We will have a luncheon buffet with soup, salad and dessert. Lyda has once again offered to handle the cost of the luncheon, so similar to last time, I will be looking to find a way for us to donate $20 per person to either the museum or another selection of her choosing.
- RSVP: For lunch planning purposes, please RSVP to me by Sept. 29.
- Carpooling: If you are interested in either offering a ride or joining another to head to Dallas, contact me and I’ll connect those interested carpoolers.
Let me know if you have any questions; otherwise I’ll look forward to your RSVP and seeing you all next month.
—Kim-Kay Randt, Area Coordinator