Member Don Parrish is Now the Most Traveled Person

On Nov. 2, 2013, Donald M. Parrish, Jr., from Downer’s Grove, IL, became the world’s “most traveled” person, according to the website, having visited 830 of that website’s “countries, territories, autonomous regions, enclaves, geographically-separated island groups, and major states and provinces.” The website’s total is 873, so he has 43 remaining places to visit.

“Achieving #1 on MTP by visiting 830 locations has taken a lifetime with intense focus the past seveb years and 50 trips,” says Parrish. “The enduring value is the discoveries I’ve made and the people I’ve met while traveling. Remote places attract some real characters.

“I’ve traveled with a number of TCC members since I took my first tour with a TCC group to Cuba in 2001. With one of them, Bob Bonifas, I have teamed up on 15 trips as we have tackled some of the tough places requiring dedicated drivers or air or boat charters. Now I have visited 317 TCC countries and plan to complete all 321.”

TCC members follow in this MTP accomplishment – #2 is Charles A. Veley, from Mill Valley, CA; #3 is his recurrent fellow traveler, Robert Bonifas, from Aurora, IL; and #4 is Bill Altaffer, from San Diego, CA.

See also: The Global Adventures of TCC Member Don Parrish »

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