The Colorado Chapter met on Jan. 16 at the Blue Bonnet Restaurant. Although group was small this time, those attending enjoyed discussing their recent travels before Jim Downs showed beautiful photos of his February 2013 trip in Bolivia as well as photos of several out-of-the-way spots he has visited in China.
The next meeting will begin at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, at Piccolo’s Restaurant in Denver ( 3563 S. Monaco Parkway, telephone 303-757-5166).
David Van Treuren will show pictures and talk about his recent trip to North and South Korea. RSVPs or questions can be sent to pmcguire29@comcast.net.
We will say a big Thank You to Bonnie for her 25 years of leadership in this club. As most of you know, Bonnie has decided to step down as coordinator, so David and I will be sharing those duties.
Please let me know by phone (303-462-1637) or email (pmcguire29@comcast.net) no later than Monday, March 17, if you are able to attend.
Please mark your calendars for our next meetings:
- May 15, 2014 – At the Imperial Chinese Restaurant, 431 S. Broadway
- July 17, 2014 – Our 25th birthday! Place to be determined.
I hope to see you on March 20.
— Phyllis McGuire