Pictures From a Recent TCC ‘Summit’ Meeting in Altafulla, Spain

TCC Board Member and Past President Pamela Barrus took this photo during a recent visit with TCC members in Spain. From left to right: Jorge Sanchez, Juan Pons, Martin Garrido, and Frans Lettenstrom
Giving a toast to TCC at their June meeting in Altafulla, Spain: Jorge Sanchez (Diamond member), Juan Pons (Gold), Martin Garrido and Frans Lettenstrom (Silver).
Discussing destinations on the map, and wearing traditional hats, at their recent Spanish meeting: Juan Pons, Jorge Sanchez, Frans Lettenstrom, Martin Garrido and Emili Xaus.
Discussing destinations on the map, and wearing traditional hats, at their recent Spanish meeting: Juan Pons, Jorge Sanchez, Frans Lettenstrom, Martin Garrido and Emili Xaus.

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Travelers' Century Club