The next meeting of the Denver Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will be held: on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 6 p.m. The location is:
LoHi SteakBar
3200 Tejon Street, Denver
(303) 927-6334
This is another new restaurant for us to try, thanks to Brenda Gottschalk’s suggestion. It is located close to the 20th Street exit off Interstate 25, and there is on-street parking. For those coming from the west side of town, taking Federal to 32nd may be a good route.
If you would like to check the menu in advance, please go to
Program: Monique Elwell will take us to Guyana.
Please let me know no later than Monday, March 16, if you are able to attend.
We mourn the loss of Joan Madrid, Diamond level member (more than 300 countries) and one of the founding members of the Denver TCC Chapter. She died Feb. 7 and we will certainly miss her.
Future meetings in 2015 will be held on:
- May 21 – Jim Downs will show photos from “The Offbeat Caribbean”
- July 16 – our Birthday Party
- Sept. 17
- Nov. 19
I hope to see you on March 19, just two days before Spring!
—Phyllis McGuire, Area Coordinator