“Cuba: Rum, Rumba and the Revolution” is the subject of the presentation by Diana and Dennis Trombley at the June 13 lunch at Hotel Angeleno in Los Angeles. They will explore “the time capsule that is modern Cuba,” visiting Havana, Cienfuegos, Trinidad and Sancti Spiritus. The presentation will feature Tropicana dancers, Cuban musicians, art, architecture, restaurants, hotels and American cars from the 50s.
They hope to inspire members who have not been to Cuba to go soon, before things change, and to rekindle memories for those who have already been there.
Dennis has a journalism degree and has worked as a professional photojournalist, a commercial photographer and as an advertising executive creative director for ad agencies and public corporations.
Diana enjoyed a successful career in healthcare as director for several of the largest specialty-care corporations in Southern California. She has also been an amateur photographer for over 40 years.
They started traveling internationally together on their honeymoon in 1967, taking photographs of their trips. Both are now retired and recently became TCC Provisional members.
Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, June 13, 2015
Place: Hotel Angeleno, 170 North Church Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90049, telephone (310) 476-6411, website www.hotelangeleno.com
Time: 11:30 a.m. – No Host Cocktails; 12:30 p.m. – Luncheon & Program
Cost: Members and guests, $50 per person. Non-members (not guests), $75. Includes wine, tax & tip.
Menu: Choice of Scottish Salmon or Garlic Chicken
RSVP: No later than noon, June 10. For late RSVP, call (310) 458-3454.
Parking: Valet only, $5
Directions: From downtown LA, west on #10 Fwy., north on #405, exit Sunset Blvd. Turn left on Sunset, cross Fwy, turn right on Church Lane. From Orange County, north on #405, exit Sunset Blvd., turn right on Church Lane.