Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled!
Diamond Members (300 or more countries)
John Burke, Jr.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Jacquelyn Jerry
Loudonville, New York
Patrick Maselis
Roeselare, Belgium
Platinum Members (250 or more countries)
John Barnett
Dublin, Ireland
Noel D. Jones
Alpine, California
Arlyne Loring
Westhampton Beach, New York
Gold Members (200 or more countries)
Diana Boyer
Canby, Oregon
Giles Galahad
El Paso, Texas
Samuel Leon Hochman
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Wen Hung Kuo
Taipei City, Taiwan
Mikael Nybondas
Leander, Texas
Mary W. Pomeroy
Rio Verde, Arizona
Jacqueline Reasoner
Huntsville, Alabama
Silver Members (150 or more countries)
Nick Bowles
Walnut Creek, California
Michael A. Comberiate
Highland, Maryland
Fred Essenwein
Colonia, New Jersey
Otto Ernest Gutmann
Oberaich, Styria, Austria
Elizabeth S. O’Neill
Altadena, California
Charles Pomeroy
Topeka, Kansas
Wendy Reilly
New York, New York
Adam Shladov
Tel Aviv, Israel
Malka Shladov
Tel Aviv, Israel
Konstantin Symonenko
Kiev, Ukraine
Lawrence Williams
Leatherhead, UK