One of the advantages of TCC membership is the opportunity to attend chapter meetings throughout the US, Canada, the UK, and Germany and share stories with like-minded fellow travelers. You can expect a warm welcome at any of our meetings. If traveling, be sure to check out chapter dates on our website.

Meet the New England (Boston) Chapter
By David Santulli
As the famous Moroccan traveler, Ibn Battuta, once said, “Traveling! It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” Well, we are blessed with an eclectic and exciting group of travelers and storytellers in our New England chapter. We regularly have members and guests, both new and old, who join us from around the Boston area and from the north of Maine and the coast of Connecticut. Everyone is welcome!
We have a lot of fun together and always come out enriched and inspired after hearing the about the most remarkable (and sometimes outlandish) adventures from the farthest reaches of the planet. We never leave without tips and advice for future destinations.
Where do we meet? Variety is the spice of life. We like to change our meeting places between meetings at members’ homes to gathering at the any one of the many unique international restaurants around Boston.
Harvey and Joelle Wartosky hosted us for a sweet summertime soirée on their roofdeck in Beacon Hill with a luxurious array of French food. Arvi Bahal and his wife, Pam, have hosted us for delectable Indian food at their home in Beverly. Noel Mann and Daan Sandee featured an environmental speaker and served a beloved homestate specialty, lobster rolls, at their tranquil home near Gloucester on the North Shore. Anush Dawidjan has hosted several times in Springfield, Massachusetts. Anush always regales us with her tales and impresses us with her travel collections, including teapots, tea cosies, airplane pens, transportation items, ceramics, photos of Anush in jail cells from around the world, masks, and more from nearly every country on earth. Ned Lynch has also hosted us for an intimate “wine and wanderlust” gathering at his beautiful home in Beacon Hill. Thanks to all these members and more who have made the TCC New England Chapter such fun!
We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to travel the world right here in Boston through a range of culinary adventures and we have taken advantage of that opportunity. Oftentimes, we invite a unique speaker to join us.
We’ve had a Cameroonian speaker talk to us at an Indian restaurant. We’ve had an Albanian businessman talk to us at an Albanian restaurant. Most recently, we had the daughter of a former Cambodian Ambassador and one of the leading Cambodian chefs in the United States talk to us from her very own restaurant in the South End of Boston.
All this should give you a flavor of what we do and what we love here at the New England TCC Chapter… Travel brings us together, but friendship keeps us together! I would love to invite you to join us. We have had the privilege to host members (and board members) from other areas and we would love to see you all again! I think I can say on behalf of the TCC members of New England that we love the mission of TCC—travel truly is a passport to global understanding and peace! It also makes for the most tantalizing of tales!