Long-time TCC member Donald Parrish, of Chicago, was presented our club’s ultimate award – a crystal-based, solar-powered, rotating globe – for his achievement in completing our Country List of all 325 destinations. Applauded by nearly 60 members and guests at our Charter Chapter’s March 11 meeting in Laguna Beach, Parrish earned this recognition when he finally made it to the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) in February after several previous attempts.
Later, Diana and Dennis Trombley presented a fascinating program on their adventures in the Galapagos Islands, Colombia and Ecuador which included the new award-winning resort in the cloudy rain forest of Ecuador, the salt mine cathedral in Colombia, and the dancing blue-footed boobies of the Galapagos.
As TCC’s original group, founded in Los Angeles in 1954, our Southern California chapter will now officially be known as the Charter Chapter as so designated by the TCC Board of Directors.