Amanda Davis has been a TCC member since 2011 and has visited 164 countries to date. She currently lives in St. Pete Beach, Florida.
Amanda prefers longer journeys spanning several months. Twice, she has taken a sabbatical to travel for a year. The past few years she has been semi-nomadic traveling six or seven months of the year. Recently her travel has focused on Southern Africa countries and former republics of the Soviet Union. Amanda travels independently and derives great enjoyment from trip research and planning. She handles all arrangements and logistics herself. Her favorite places to visit include South Africa, where she spent five months in the past year, and Japan, which she hopes to visit for the fourth time in 2018.
Amanda obtained her first passport the month she turned 18 and began traveling whenever possible. She received scholarships to study abroad in Switzerland and China while attending Virginia Tech. This experience solidified her desire for longer term travel and cultural immersion.
At home Amanda enjoys kickboxing and cooking. She is an avid scuba diver and dive master. Her interest in the water is further explored as a Marine Safety Officer and boat crewman in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary.