Presentation About Rio de Janeiro at the NorCal Chapter’s September 2020 Zoom Meeting

NorCal member Bill Hubbs was the featured speaker at the Northern California TCC Chapter’s Zoom meeting on Saturday, Sept. 12.

Bill is a Spacecraft Designer (System Engineer, PhD) with a passion for exploring Latin countries. His favorites are Brazil and Argentina. He will discuss his recent travel back to Rio De Janeiro. He has traveled extensively in Brazil, but nothing beats the pulse of Rio and it’s scenic beach life and vibrant people. It had been 15 years since his last visit, and he wanted to revisit the top attractions (one last time) and also see what was new in the marvelous city. His presentation will highlight Corovado (Christ the Redeemer), Pão de Açúcar (Sugar loaf), Museum of Tomorrow, Selaron Steps, and cover his experience traveling around the city including,visiting favelas. It was a whirlwind five-day trip, on the go almost every minute, and luckily ended just before travel became difficult.

After the presentation, members shared their own stories of travels to Brazil as well discussion on current events in California.

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, Oct. 10.

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Travelers' Century Club