Oceania TCC Chapter members talked about birds during their November 2020 meeting.
Detlef Davies shared birdwatching experiences from his guided tour of Peru and Madagascar. Detlef also mentioned seeing a Bird of Paradise at Mount Glorious in Queensland.
Susan Turnbull shared a photo of an endangered Manumea painted on the side of a building in a prominent location in Samoa. Susan has not seen one, nor have most other people. They recently sent out a conservation search team who apparently heard it. Some say they saw it. Below is some more reading for those that are interested:
- https://samoaconservationsociety.wordpress.com/animal-profiles-2/birds
- https://www.sprep.org/att/IRC/eCOPIES/Countries/Samoa/46.pdf
Bev Margetts shared her beautiful picture book of birds she has photographed primarily from the southern hemisphere. Great photography!