Central Europe Chapter Announces Upcoming Meetings in Germany and Norway

The next meeting of the Central Europe TCC Chapter will be a full-weekend arrangement in a historic German monastery between the cities of Aachen and Cologne (in the Eifel mountains).
It is a very scenic — and also secluded — place where everyone can enjoy a weekend of presentations and talks with other well-traveled people. Not to forget a suspenseful trivia quiz. Of course, the meeting language will be English.

The event will take place from Sept. 9 to Sept. 11, 2022 (two nights).

The name venue is:

Kloster Steinfeld Monastery
Hermann-Josef-Str. 4
53925 Kall / Germany
(Phone: +49-2441-889131,
Fax: +49-2441-88912)

The monastery offers single rooms at 86€ per night and rooms for double occupancy at 124€ per night. This price includes a hearty breakfast, of course. Moreover, we will also have our dinners together in the monastery — they are included in the meeting-room share of 90€ per participant. Please send an e-mail to tapferes.schreinerlein@yahoo.de for further details.

Next year, the Central Europe Chapter’s spring meeting will take place in the beautiful Norwegian capital city, Oslo, on Saturday, May 13, 2023, so please mark your calendars already! The Oslo meeting can be combined with the famous Norwegian constitution festivities always taking place on May 17. A venue and preliminary program including more sightseeing options will be announced right after our meeting in the Steinfeld monastery.

Looking forward to welcoming many of our World Travelers,

Armin Schreiner
TCC Central Europe Chapter Coordinator

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