Charlene Chang, Redondo Beach, CA, USA
I was born and raised in Taipei, and my education continued in Singapore and the United States. During my junior year at Pepperdine University, I joined the “Year in Europe” program and traveled extensively by student Eurail pass, which enriched my life beyond my imagination.
Since I joined the TCC as a provisional member in 2021, I visited six new countries and eight territories, including the Asmat villages in West Papua of Indonesia being the most unique. In 2022, I challenged myself to reach 100 to become a full member, and attempt my first Triathlon. Happily, I accomplished both! Now, I look forward to meaningful travel in the coming years.

Cláudia Viveiros, Azores, Portugal
Since I was a child, I’ve had this desire to see other places. At the age of 18, on an impulse and alone on a plane, I traveled out of the Azores. Without even a travel bag, I booked my plane ticket to Lisbon and the very next day, I left my island to gain wings in place of the heart. My university colleagues were perplexed and thought I was delirious to miss classes and essential work projects.
My first big journey happened when I was 21 in the company of my boyfriend, now husband. We wandered on
foot along the northern Iberian Peninsula, following one of the paths leading to Santiago de Compostela. We ended of Turkey up in Muxía and Finisterra and only returned home two months later once we liquidated our savings.
One hundred countries and territories later, I am pleased to become the first Portuguese woman to join this exclusive travel club.