Recap of the April 2023 New York Chapter Luncheon on the Caucasus and Ukraine

On April 22, the New York TCC Chapter convened at historic Fraunces Tavern (George Washington ate here!) in lower Manhattan for an afternoon of traditional American cuisine and three fascinating presentations by chapter members.

Ed Hotchkiss took us through his recent trip to the Caucasus — Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan — with excellent photos and maps. BJ Mikkelsen presented on his October trip to Ukraine doing refugee work with the organization he started called Hudson Valley Helps Refugees, showing slides of the current situation and needs. Cathy Shelton led off with a capsule presentation on the Azores, site of the 2024 TCC annual meeting.

After lunch, members took advantage of the option to visit the on-site museum on Revolutionary War history, and cocktails at one of Fraunces Tavern’s many bars.

Be sure to save the date for the Sept. 9 luncheon featuring Jane Eagleson on Pakistan, based on four trips; Sherri Donovan on Afghanistan (upcoming May trip); and Paul Couniotakis with a capsule on Libya, where he recently achieved diamond status.

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