Our next quarterly meeting of the TCC Charter Chapter (Los Angeles/Orange County) will be held on Saturday, June 10, at the historic Tam O’Shanter Inn in Los Angeles, where popular presenter Diana Trombley, along with her husband Dennis, will present a globe-spanning program on “Indigenous Peoples Around the World.”
Covering more than 100 different countries, this amazing show will explore the customs, cultures and beliefs of indigenous peoples, from a Cleansing Ceremony to a private audience with the last known surviving headhunter in the world. This interactive program will inspire you to explore many of these locales and visit these fascinating peoples while it is still possible.
The Tam O’Shanter, Los Angeles’ oldest restaurant operated by the same family in the same location, will be celebrating its 101st anniversary the month we meet! The restaurant is located just a few blocks east of Interstate 5 (Golden State Fwy.), using the Los Feliz Blvd. exit from either the north or south. It is near Griffith Park to the west and Glendale to the east and is just north of Dodger Stadium and south of the L.A. Zoo. Easy to find; if coming from the south, just stay on Interstate 5 past Downtown L.A., exiting at Los Feliz Blvd.
Here are the meeting details:
- Date: Saturday, June 10, 2023
- Place: Tam O’Shanter Inn, 2980 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039. Tel. (323) 664-0228
- Time: 11:30 a.m. – No Host Cocktails; 12:30 p.m. – Luncheon & Program
- Cost: Members and their guests, $65 per person. Non-members (not guests), $75. Includes coffee, tea, tax & tip.
- Payment: No later than noon Wednesday, June 7. For late RSVP, call (818) 502-1988 or email to mgsholer@att.net. Mail payment and meal choice to Coordinator Michael Sholer at 1431 Columbia Drive, Suite 200, Glendale CA 91205-3505 to THIS ADDRESS ONLY! Make checks payable to TCC. Due to slow mail, please mail early or use phone/email options with credit card information (card, number, expiration, security code) to these secure numbers.
- Parking: Complimentary
- Meal Choices (please select in advance): Signature Brisket Plate, Smoked Chicken, Pan Roasted Scottish Salmon or Cheese and Spinach Ravioli (vegetarian).