Report from the Central Europe Meeting in Oslo in May 2023

Attendees gather at the Scotsman, an icon on Oslo’s main street for almost 50 years.(Scroll down for more photos from the event.)

Twenty-two members united from eleven countries to attend the Central Europe regional meeting in Oslo in May 2023. Coordinator Armin Schreiner thanks country host Bjørn Watne for his meticulous organization.

The very traditional Oslo bar and restaurant Asylet, built in 1730 as a merchant’s house in the lively district of Grønland, was the perfect meetup location to begin the weekend.

Saturday’s itinerary began with Bjørn leading off on a full historical and tourist account of Oslo and Norway. New Yorker and New York co-coordinator Cathy Shelton got the group excited about next year’s international conference in Azores with Uwe Bussmann closing out the morning to talk about Malawi.

The group enjoyed a fantastic lunch buffet and then launched into quiz wizard Reinhold Baer’s usual travel trivia (this time presented by Armin). Afternoon presentations included Verena Tauchert’s Istanbul to Turkmenistan, Armin’s Kenya experience and Yvo Peeter’s remarkable Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Yvo has never been there, but his research into the political and socio-economic situation intrigued everyone.

Saturday dinner at Hovedbanen Spiseri was followed by a social evening (extended to all party beasts) which continued at Bjørn’s apartment until nearly 9 a.m.! Sunday’s excursion started in the mid-afternoon and had the best Oslo weather — sunny with a light breeze. Bjørn arranged a sailing ship to take the group right onto the Oslo-Fjord waters.

The Central Europe chapter invites you to join with them May 4, 2024, in Scotland’s famed Spey River Valley with Chapter Coordinator Armin Schreiner and British TCC Member Iain Grist, who are serving as local hosts for this region. Next, join the chapter in the eastern German city of Erfurt on August 31, 2024,, led by Armin and local host Michael Zoch, who was born and raised in GDR. Email Armin for more details if you are interested in attending.

Country Host Bjørn Watne presents the history of Norway, along with tourist tips.
Sunday sightseeing was capped off with a sail into the Oslo fjord.
Attendees from five countries—USA, Norway, Australia, France and Germany—pictured at the opening reception at Asylet, serving food and drink since 1730.

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