Mediterranean Chapter Returns to Its Altafulla Birthplace for 10th Anniversary Celebration

Frances Borrull, left, presents Martin Garrido with a certificate commemorating the Mediterranean TCC Chapter’s 10th anniversary.

Twenty-one members met on March 16 to celebrate the Mediterranean Chapter’s 10th anniversary at El Forn del Senyor in Altafulla. Not only is this a historic site that preserves the village’s old medieval oven, but it is our chapter’s original meeting place.  Chapter Coordinator Francesc Borrull recognized El Forn del Senyor by presenting a commemorative diploma to the chapter’s first coordinator and meeting host, Martin Garrido. David Rueda was presented a silver (150) certificate and Ruben Arnal was recognized for reaching UN193 on his visit to Turkmenistan last spring. The great Spanish traveler, Alberto Campa, presented about the current life in the region of Yamalia-Nenetsia in Russia.

Francesc revealed that Beirut has been chosen by a vote of chapter members as the next regional TCC Mediterranean destination, with tentative dates around Easter 2025.

Members celebrate ten years of the TCC Mediterranean Chapter in Altafulla, Spain.

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