A Virtual Journey to Antarctica Featured at August 2024 Charter Chapter Meeting in Newport Beach
Immediate Past President Steve Fuller is honored by President Margo Bart with a solar-powered globe for his club leadership in 2022-23.
Nearly 60 TCC members and guests met on the waterfront at the Newport Beach Yacht Club in Orange County, California. on August 10 as the Charter Chapter welcomed nine first-time attendees and honored a past president.
Immediate Past President Steve Fuller, a TCC board member from Kansas City, Missouri, was recognized for his service as leader of the club in 2022-23 and received a solar-powered globe, presented by President Margo Bart.
TCC member and research professor Peter Narins took us on a fascinating journey to Antarctica where he lived and worked on a scientific research project for one month and, most recently, hosted an expedition there this past January. Having participated in nearly 60 research projects around the world, Peter titled this talk: “Being in Three Places at Once: Life Near the Bottom of the World.”
Charter Chapter Coordinator Michael Sholer thanks Guest Speaker Peter Narins following his presentation on Antarctica.East Coast Reunion: New York Co-Coordinator Sherri Donovan visits with DC Coordinator (and TCC VP) Jeff HoulePast President Pam Barrus catches up with long-time member Daryl BogardTom and Carol Getz (left) share travel tales with Diana and Dennis TrombleyMaxine Czisny and Debbi Kightlinger enjoy the bayside setting prior to lunchEd and Pauline von Leffern (left) enjoy the yacht club hospitality with Gerald Wagner and Arizona member (and summer Southern Californian) Carol DobsonJackie and Richard Swanberg (left) visit with Bob Ihsen and his guest Lilia NavarroNew Member Meganne Behle (right) and her guest Gayle Steele enjoy a cool beverage on the bayBill Woodard, Janet Johnson and Jonathan Holburt (l to r) discuss recent travels prior to the luncheonThe Ladies Who Lunch include (l to r) New Member Cathy Tan, guests Laura Bengford, Sara McCartan and Jill Adams and Provisional Member Pam WheelerPart of the overflow crowd at the Newport Beach Yacht ClubThe TCC Board of Directors, gathered for a quarterly meeting, include (seated, l to r) President Margo Bart and Secretary JoAnn Schwartz; (standing, l to r) Vice President Jeff Houle, Immediate Past President Steve Fuller, Treasurer Chris Hudson and Past President Michael Sholer
Travelers’ Century Club® 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2297 Cupertino, CA 95015 Tel: (888) 822-0228 Email: info@travelerscenturyclub.org
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