On Saturday, Nov. 23, 22 members and guests of the Illinois TCC Chapter gathered at the Elmhurst Public Library for a fun event. It was a brown bag and bento box luncheon, with folks selecting from a variety of lunch options from around the world.
Our speaker, Phil Larson, a photo journalist and member of the Kansas City TCC Chapter, came in from Boone, Iowa, to speak to the group. His talk, entitled “Travel on Seven Continents, ” included some amazing photos from 50 years of travels in some unusual places on all seven continents, including his adventures on foot, on motorcycles, in canoes, on trains and of course on planes, cars, ships, and buses. The audience loved the presentation, and it inspired much discussion about everyone’s own recent and upcoming travels.
Thanks to coordinator Charles Merkel for arranging it, and for member Jim Franch for finding such a centrally located and compatible venue!