Hello World Travelers,
I am pleased to provide details for our Fall Eastern Canada TCC meeting!
Saturday Sept. 20th 12 noon at The Hive 544 King Street West in Toronto.
Please have a look at this Google map for directions or call me on my mobile phone (416-566-7400) if you need further directions.
I am delighted to announce that through the efforts of our fellow member Steve Johnston, Mr. Steve Fenech has agreed to be guest speaker for our meeting.
Steve is a fellow uber-traveler (160 countries/seven continents), talented travel film maker, photo journalist and writer (click to view Steve’s impressive bio). In addition, he has also been selected as a candidate for the Mars One endeavor to set up a permanent human colony on the Red Planet (no kidding!). Check out the Mars One Web site to get a full appreciation of this intriguing endeavur that Steve is part of.
Steve’s Theme for our meeting: “Some Rewards of Travelling Off the Beaten Path Can Be Out of This World.”
For the second part of the meeting, I ask everyone to bring along and share a picture of a memorable border crossing and/or border crossing experience. You’ll recall this interactive approach was a huge hit in our last two meetings! To help stimulate your thinking here, please watch this fun “borders” You Tube video which is kinda fun.
Important: Please RSVP confirming your Sept.20 attendance at your earliest convenience to me (rshaver@thehiveinc.com) so we can plan the lunch requirements.
Look forward to seeing you all soon.
Warm regards,
—Rick Shaver, Area Coordinator